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Building Communities | REALTORS® Lead the Way in Volunteerism

By Missouri REALTORS posted 05-22-2024 10:50 AM


There's a thread that connects all REALTORS® together: an unwavering commitment to community. As pillars of their neighborhoods, REALTORS® not only facilitate home sales but also champion community service initiatives.
The recent release of the Community Aid and Real Estate (CARE) Report by the National Association of REALTORS® sheds light on the remarkable dedication of REALTORS® and REALTOR® associations toward community service. Despite facing challenges of an ultra-competitive market, REALTORS® always make time to prioritize giving back.
According to the CARE Report, monthly volunteering and annual monetary donations have increased amongst REALTORS®. Here are some key insights from the report:
Members at Large: Nearly 69% of REALTOR® members volunteered monthly, with an average of eight hours per month dedicated to community service. Furthermore, 86% of members made donations last year.
Broker-Owners: 73% of broker-owners volunteered monthly, with 90% making monetary donations. The average annual donation by broker-owners stood at $2,400. 79% of broker-owners actively encourage their agents to engage in community service.
AEs or MLS Staff: 60% of Association Executives (AEs) or MLS staff volunteered monthly, with an impressive 92% making personal donations. Additionally, almost all associations organized fundraisers and volunteer events, highlighting the collective effort of the real estate community to give back.
Let’s keep this spirit of generosity alive in the upcoming REALTOR® Volunteer Days, scheduled from June 1-9. It's a national week dedicated to harnessing the collective power of REALTORS® to serve their communities. Associations and individuals are encouraged to participate by organizing volunteer events or joining existing initiatives.
During REALTOR® Volunteer Days, the possibilities for making a positive impact are endless. Whether you're passionate about mentoring youth, supporting the elderly, or fostering environmental stewardship, there's a volunteer opportunity that aligns with your interests and skills. Consider reaching out to your favorite nonprofit to ask about their specific needs, or explore local initiatives such as volunteering with the Boys & Girls Club, organizing a neighborhood cleanup, or running a food drive for a local pantry.
As we mark our calendars for the 2024 REALTORS® Are Good Neighbors Volunteer Days, let's reaffirm our commitment to positive change. By lending our time, resources, and expertise, we can create ripple effects of kindness that go far beyond the real estate industry.
