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Snapchat in Real Estate

By Missouri REALTORS posted 01-31-2020 10:51 AM


® can agree on the importance of Facebook. It’s hugely beneficial to those of us working in the industry. Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn are also overwhelmingly popular but Snapchat has remained a controversial topic in both the social media and real estate space. Conversations about the platform often dance around the same question - should you be using Snapchat? 

At first glance, Snapchat may not seem like a natural fit for REALTORS®, however, there are more than 300 million users, 90% of which are between 13 and 24 years old. This isn’t a demographic that is typically buying property, but it does show that Snapchat is a good way to connect with younger people who aren’t using Facebook. It’s also much more casual than other social platforms with posts disappearing after 24 hours. So, at first glance you may think it is difficult to use professionally, however, the causal attitude is what makes it a valuable tool for REALTORS. Here’s how you can use Snapchat for your business. 

Snapchat Do’s 

  • DO share behind-the-scenes shots. Sharing behind-the-scenes footage is a great way to connect with your friends and clients. Few people understand exactly what it is that REALTORS® do every day, and Snapchat is a great way to take away some of that mystery. Behind-the-scenes business can include getting ready for an open house, a celebratory photo of a new closing, or even a glimpse of the office. Don’t be afraid to share a little bit about your personal life as well!
  • DO use geo-filters. Geo-filters are location-based tags you can include in your posts depending on where you are. Some are widespread, such as a “St. Louis” tag, while others may be more specific, such as a conference or event tag. Using these geo-filters can communicate where you are in a fun and creative way. 
  • DO connect with others. Just like any other social network, Snapchat is all about connecting with your friends and followers. Be sure to watch other people’s stories and reply to them every now and then. It’s fun to get a peek into your friends' life, and they will likely reciprocate by watching your stories as well. 

Snapchat Don’ts 

  • DON’T focus too much on business. While Snapchat can be a great professional tool for REALTORS®, it shouldn’t be too business-centric. Remember, it is a casual communication tool and should be treated as such. Save the formal announcements for Facebook, and use Snapchat to share more personal bits about your life. 
  • DON’T post anything inappropriate. Because Snapchats expire after 24 hours, it can seem harmless to post a selfie from a night out or a sarcastic video that you find funny. But if you wouldn’t want your clients seeing you at a club or bar, or if the humor could be misconstrued, don’t post it on Snapchat. 
  • DON’T hold back your personality. You don’t want to post anything inappropriate, but you do want to have fun with Snapchat! Share your personality and what makes you "you" with your Snapchat friends and followers. Being authentic is important on all social media, especially Snapchat! Have fun and post about the things that make you happy. 

Missouri REALTOR® John Jones has found success using this app for his business. He shared some great personal stories on Common Ground. Check out his thoughts and share your own ideas on the thread to keep the conversation going!

