Halloween is right around the corner. While it’s easy to get caught up with the candy, costumes and spooky decorations, it’s important to remember the risks that come along with the holiday. Your home will likely be a destination for local trick-or-treaters, and you want to ensure everyone is safe throughout the night. Here are three simple ways to reduce the risk of someone hurting themselves or damaging your property on Halloween:
- Avoid using candles.
Most people light up their pumpkins with real candles, which poses a huge fire risk. Instead of using a candle with an open flame, opt for LED lights. They work just as well and are nonflammable. Bonus tip: For extra lighting, decorate your porch with white Christmas lights.
- Clean up your property.
Trick-or-treaters will come from all over the neighborhood, so be sure your entire property is free of potential tripping hazards, such as rakes, lawn ornaments or hoses. This is especially important for your walkway and driveway, which will see the most traffic.
- Put away your pets.
It’s fun to show off your pets and their cute costumes, but it could be dangerous. Accidents happen with animals, and you don’t want them to run off or hurt someone else. Additionally, some people are scared of animals or highly allergic. It is much safer to keep your animals away from the hustle and bustle of Halloween, for their safety and for your neighbors’.
Also be sure to drive very carefully on Halloween, as kids will likely be running around. If you make a few small adjustments to your Halloween routine, everyone will be much safer. Enjoy the holiday!