
Most Popular Blogs of 2016

By Missouri REALTORS posted 12-14-2016 03:00 PM


A concert with no singers and text that says "Most Popular Blogs of 2016"

2016 was quite a year! We’re sad to see it go but are excited for what 2017 has in store. While reflecting on this year, we rounded up our most popular blog posts of 2016. Here are our top 10 most read blogs, listed in descending order. Make sure you didn’t miss any-they’re all worth a read!

1. Craziest Home-Showing Moments
This fun blog post shares the most bizarre things Missouri REALTORS® have encountered while showing homes. These crazy stories cover it all, from a room dedicated to bee hives (with live bees!) to an attempted burglary.

2. Real Estate Acronyms and Abbreviations
The real estate industry is full of abbreviations and acronyms. This list will refresh you on their meanings and may even remind you of one that you forgot.

3. Real Estate Acronyms and Abbreviations for Consumers
The home buying and selling processes can be confusing, especially when unfamiliar acronyms get thrown in the mix. This list will familiarize consumers with real estate jargon and make them feel more comfortable talking with real estate professionals. This is a great resource to share with your clients.

4. Game Changer: A Review of the New Rules to Drone Usage
The rules on using drones for business purposes used to be incredibly strict, but in 2016 they loosened up. Read about the details in this blog post, and learn about the new rules you must follow to use drones for your real estate business.

5. Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks
Who doesn’t love a clean house? This post gives you tips on how to clean each room in your home-and you don’t have to wait until spring to try them out. Put them to the test now to get your house in shape for the new year.

6. Member Spotlight Series
The Member Spotlight Series began in 2016 and turned out to be a total hit! It shares the stories of how Missouri REALTORS® are helping in their communities.

7. Effective vs Chronological Property Age and Project Time: Installation of Concrete Curbing
Missouri REALTOR® Caroline Nenonen shares how she used concrete curbing to help eliminate the effective aging of her home.

8. How to Grow Your Real Estate Business
Understanding leverage can make growing your business much easier. This blog post gives ideas on how to start the growing and expanding process.

9. How to Get Your Home Ready for a Baby
Babies bring lots of change with them, so it’s only natural that your home will change a bit too. This blog gives you baby-proofing ideas for every room of the house.

10. How to Turn Your Home into a Haunted House
It’s never too early to start planning for next Halloween! Here are eight easy ways to make your house the spookiest on the block.

We love sharing helpful information with you and are always thrilled to receive your feedback. 2016 was a great year, but we hope to have even more content for you in 2017. Share in the comments below what blog posts you’d like to see next year. Happy New Year’s!

