
Sell Stubborn Properties in 4 Steps

By Lisa Scoble posted 03-03-2017 01:58 PM


Despite an improving housing market, real estate agents still have long-standing face-offs with stubborn properties. How can you get closer to a sale in these frustrating encounters?

The following four steps will point you in the right direction.

1. Be Frank

At the very beginning of your relationship, identify your client’s expectations and discuss realistic pricing. If you notice issues with the property, openly address these challenges, but make sure to highlight appealing features of the home.

To determine your client’s current situation, ask probing questions like:

  • What are your reasons for selling this property?
  • Are you planning to buy a new home? Why?
  • When did you purchase this property?
  • How much have you financially invested in this house?
  • What been made?

2. Make It Sparkle
After you discuss the details, turn your attention to property staging. Is the home displayed to its full potential? Are there any possible improvements to make?

Cluttered, poorly maintained homes cause a property to become a tough sell. Buyers may disregard a property entirely if they're distracted by an awkward presentation and haphazard furniture placement.

Consider the following in your staging efforts:

  • Remove all indoor and outdoor clutter.
  • Make cosmetic repairs, such as polishing, painting the interior and exterior, or replacing old wallpaper.
  • Adjust furniture layout to create focal points.
  • Optimize the lighting in your home by opening windows, replacing old light bulbs, and using lightly colored paints.

3. Put in the Effort
Often, your property listing is your one shot at making a good first impression. Most home buyers start their search online and make an instant decision about the property based on the photos and description.

Most potential buyers scroll past listings that contain no visuals. Use high-quality, eye-catching images of the property that showcase your staging efforts.

The opening statement in your description should take no more than two to three sentences to inform buyers of the strongest features. Highlight the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and make a note of the neighborhood, as well as the property’s closeness to nearby shopping or entertainment centers.

Avoid using overblown words and phrases such as “beautiful” and “dream property." Instead, provide the information that matters most to your potential buyer.

4. Give It a Boost
Now that you have a compelling listing, post it on your social media pages. Though there are hundreds of social media platforms, Facebook dominates with 1.79 billion monthly users. Its ability to collect data, assist in finding the right audience, and target specific individuals and groups, makes it an invaluable marketing tool.

Facebook can analyze who engages with your content, allowing you to target your posts to certain geographical locations and ZIP codes.

But don't let Facebook's popularity prevent you from experimenting with various social media platforms. You may find that your target audience has better engagement on other social networks.

Don’t Give Up
If you’re up for the challenge of taking on a not-so-loveable property, stay persistent and don’t let discouragement win. Planning and transparency will allow your selling journey to start off on the right foot.

Have you ever taken on a property that was difficult to sell? How did you approach it? Share your thoughts in the comments.

“Stats.” Facebook. N.d., 2016. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Meyer, Michele. “What to Do When a Home Won’t Sell.” National Association of REALTORS.

REALTOR Mag., Mar. 2016. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Ballinger, Barbara. "25 Quick, Cheap and Easy Home Sale Tips." National Association of REALTORS. Realtor Mag., Aug. 2012. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

"Home Staging Basics for Clients." National Association of REALTORS. Realtor Mag., Apr. 2015. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

Williams, Seth. "HELP! What to Do When Your Property Just Won’t Sell." REtipster. N.d. Web. 10 Jan. 2017.

